Author:DriperCreated:Sunday, February 22, 2009
Our (Freda and I) Overseas trip to Ireland and then London (with some trips in the middle we hope).

We arrive back in the UK today and are to stay for good (well short term good). We go to see another apartment (together this time) and Freda sees just how much better a place can be than the first one we saw for the price. We agree that I will look at a few more tomorrow while she does her demonstration lesson for her probable new school. We get home and Freda jumps on the web. She finds 4 more units in the same place (only moments from a few other places we looked at) for 50 pound less per week. I have now seen a few and we need to decide what to do which as always is difficult. I spent all of the 24th applying for jobs and following up recruiters, it's amazing how many recruiters didn't get my application and need it sent again (probably 6 out of 20), two of them twice. Freda had her trial day today, teaching for a half day in front of the head teacher at her Jewish school. Our (well Deirdre and Ryan's) shower is fixed. Fantastic, we can have a real shower in our free accommodation.

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Our whirlwind trip in London is over and we achieved a great deal, have travel, looked at units, have bank accounts and managed a night out with a few pints (maybe a few to many).

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We arrive in the UK with two bags each (one hand a one carry on), all went well. Very interestingly when we came through UK (Stansted) airport and they didn't even look at passports or Visa's. Freda holding an EU passport that was my expectation but I am on a New Zealand passport. Oh well. We make our way out to our accommodation and the place is great, nice place (not to detract from it at all but it's free). We have great TV, internet, kitchen, nice bed, central place and simply a nice home (not a hotel which is an instant bonus). Getting there was easy was one train (above ground) from Stansted Airport to a tube station and then one tube ride to our stop. This issue really was dealing with two bags each. A nice guy (not me) gave Freda a hand up the stairs with one of her bags.

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We are packing for the UK and leave tomorrow. We have arranged accommodation whilst there with Freda's cousin (Deirdre, thanks D) which wont cost us any money. Can stay their until they get back (March 8). Their is an issue with the hot water (shower) not working but it's being sorted before we arrive, how very nice of Deirdre and Ryan (thanks again guys).

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While we have temperatures of single digits we worry about Melbourne with 47 degrees and fire bugs which threaten among others the Byrne family home in Taralgon (Freda's Melbourne family home for anyone who didn't know).

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We finally arrive and it's a little cold.

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 Finally it's here, our last day in Sydney and the beginning of our journey.

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 The excitement is building as it's nearly time to leave

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Freda has resigned and I resigned today, we are now committed without the option to back out.

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Freda and I have decided to travel and we are hopeful of both getting jobs and traveling a little.

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